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Waste ⋅ Energy ⋅ Filtration 

Incinerators with Air Pollution Control (APC)

    • Medical wastes

      • Biological waste
      • Blood and blood products
      • Isolation waste
      • Laboratory waste
      • Pathological waste
      • Pharmaceutical waste
      • Sharps
    • Mining and camp waste

      • Cyanide bags
      • Contaminated PPE
      • Plastic waste
      • Camp waste
      • Food waste
    • Animal waste
    • Animal carcasses
    • Food waste
    • Hazardous waste
    • Hotel and resort waste
    • Municipal waste
    • Sludges

Incinerators – with Air Pollution Control (APC)

The most advanced incinerators for a wide range of waste types.

Our Incinerators with filtration are the most advanced available on the market, incorporating cutting edge design of the combustion chambers and combustion air to ensure complete combustion, flue gas cooling, and world leading flue gas abatements systems. 

Multiple redundancies are included for both operational continuity and safety systems, including robust instrumentation to monitor the whole process. Process Safety and Health and Safety considerations are taken into account for the whole system to ensure safe operation. 

We use flue gas abatement systems to achieve South African and EU regulations, designed for minimal emissions while maintaining reliability and simplicity and are designed to operate in the harshest conditions, with few moving parts and minimal maintenance required, making MacroBurn Incinerators extremely reliable.

Emission Compliant

Our Incinerators with Scrubbing and Filtration are compliant to important regulatory standards, such as the EU Incinerator Directive and the South African Emission Regulations.


Our objective is to design and manufacture Quality Incinerators, that are robust, easy to operate, and with low maintenance requirements.


Macrotec is certified to the following standards:

ISO 9001:2015 | Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001:2015 | Environmental Management Systems
ISO 45001:2018 | Occupational Health & Safety Management 


Our Incinerators with Scrubbing and Filtration consists of an Incinerator, Flue Gas Cooling, and Scrubbing and Filtration.


Two chamber incinerators, incorporating under- and over-fire combustion air, with a 2 second retention time. Under-fire air helps improve combustion speed and efficiency by improving airflow through the waste. Over-fire air helps improve combustion speed and combustion efficiency by providing oxygen and turbulence over the waste. This stokes combustion from the sides and provides satisfactory mixing of flue gasses and oxygen for near complete oxidation of combustible gasses.

The incinerator is a continuous feed system, meaning that waste is continually loaded into the feeder to be loaded in the incinerator. This is in contrast with a batch loader where waste is loaded once every hour to once every eight hours. The advantage of continuous feed systems is that pre-heating is not required between batches, drastically reducing operating costs. With waste being loaded continuously and not in batches, results in a more consistent flue gas flow rate, resulting in better combustion, better flue gas scrubbing, and better particulate removal. The downside is higher capital costs for the more advanced continous feed systems. 

AutoFeeder No backround

Auto feeder

The incinerator is equipped with an auto feeder with optional bin tipper. The auto feeder is as the name suggests completely automated, with the operator only being required to load waste into the feeder, or into the bin tipper. Once the feeder is loaded, and safety button engaged, the system will determine when to feed. This prevents over feeding by operators and increases safety around the incinerator feeder.

Liquid feeder (optional)

Various liquid feeders are available and are designed according to the waste specifications. We will require an accurate calorific value and viscosity along with the required flow rate to provide an optimal design.

Heat exchanger

The heat exchanger serves to cool down the flue gas leaving the incinerator to ensure higher efficiency of the scrubbing system and to protect downstream equipment. Our heat exchangers are shell and tube and use water as a coolant, but this can be substituted for thermal oil for certain auxiliary applications. For added safety our heat exchanger and cooling circuit are open to atmosphere.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Pre-heated combustion air (optional)

A second heat exchanger is installed to preheat the combustion air using waste heat from the flue gas. This increases fuel efficiency, and the increase in temperature also increases combustion efficiency.

Macrotec Incinerator Plant Assembly

Isometric View: MacroBurn V500 full plant layout, including hot water recovery system

Stationary hearth

We offer stationary hearths and reciprocating grates, depending on the model size. Stationary hearths are stationary and with no moving parts. New waste pushed in by the auto feeder displaces previously loaded waste backwards, and the stoking action helps to improve combustion.

Reciprocating grate (optional)

Our reciprocating grates utilise a staircase like sectional layout manufactured from cast alloy grate bars, which are actuated in sequence to push, mix, and stoke the waste. Waste is loaded at the top of the grate, with alternate rows moving to push the waste down through the combustion area towards the ash discharge. The grate is divided into sections that are individually controlled for improved combustion, and with separate combustion air zones.

Emergency stack

The emergency stack is situated directly above the secondary chamber and allows for venting of flue gas in an emergency. This critical safety feature protects downstream equipment and operators. 

Cooling circuit

Our cooling circuits are designed for minimal maintenance. Coolant travels from the heat exchanger to a buffer tank, that also features an auto fill-up. From the buffer tank, the coolant is pumped to a radiator where it is cooled down before being pumped back into the heat exchanger.

Heat recovery (optional)

The optional heat recovery system installs a plate heat exchanger in the coolant circuit, to recover heat from the coolant before it is cooled down by the radiator. This conserves energy as the radiator operates less and provides hot water for the client to utilise elsewhere on the premises as needed.

Glosfume Filter Exhibition Model

Ceramic filtration

The ceramic filtration utilises ceramic elements that filter out particulate matter to below 3mg/m³, including PM2.5 particles. Ceramic elements can withstand temperatures of up to 900˚C, with the filter body able to operate up to 450˚C. The dry gas scrubbing potential is also increased with the ceramic filtration, as the scrubber agent forms a “cake” over the filter element, increasing the reaction time and surface area.

Dry gas scrubbing

Our dry gas scrubbing system introduces the scrubber agent into the flue gas, which then neutralizes acid gasses, and adsorbs heavy metals and dioxins. Our scrubbers do not utilise any water, and thus removes the need for further water treatment.

ID fan

The ID (induced draught) fan creates a negative pressure and sucks the flue gas from the incinerator through the system. The fan is controlled by a variable speed drive, which allows us to ramp it up and down to maintain a constant pressure in the incinerator.

Main stack

The main stack is situated after the ID fan and ejects the flue gas into the atmosphere after it has been cleaned. The main stack also houses critical instrumentation, such as flow and flue gas analysers.

Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

In many countries, regulations require the continuous monitoring of pertinent pollutants for Incinerators. This will include the concentration of various gasses such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Hydrogen Chloride (HCl), Particulate Matter (Dust), as well as reference parameters such as Oxygen (O₂) and Flow. 

Macrotec offers a range of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), as well as advanced Flow Measurement Instruments and Combustion Analyzers. Our all-inclusive services encompass the engineering and design of process monitoring systems, equipment selection, installation, training, commissioning, maintenance, and remote monitoring.